May 6th, 2025, Starting at 0930. White Horse Golf Club, Kingston.
2025 Golf Invitational Sponsor $1100
Only 1 opportunity.
Your company will be billed as the overall Golf Invitational sponsor. Your company name/logo will appear on all tournament signage (see above) as well as relevant web site pages. Your company will be mentioned in front of the full conference plenum as the Golf Invitational sponsor. Photos of tournament play will be displayed on the ball room multimedia screens during presentation transitions/breaks and each photo will include your company name/logo. This sponsorship also includes an optional table at a premium tee (chosen by event management). See below Tee Sponsor level for table details. This sponsorship also includes 2 invitational player entries (Greens fees, cart, range balls, lunch). You also have the option of providing promotional materials in the player goodie bag. The item will have to reasonably fit in the 20” X 17” string bag.
Golf Ball Sponsor $800
Only 1 opportunity.
Each participant will receive a sleeve (3 balls) of name brand golf balls custom printed with your company logo and the WHIA logo. Additionally you will also receive the benefits of a Tee Sponsor (see below). Surplus balls become the property of WHIA after the event.
Goodie Bag Sponsor $500
Only 1 opportunity.
Each participant will receive a “goodie” bag at the start of the invitational. The bag will be a 20” X 17” nylon string bag. The bag will be embossed with the invitational logo and your company logo/name. Additionally, you will receive the benefits of a Tee Sponsor (see below) including table.
Premium Tee Sponsor $350
(5 opportunities, first come first served)
These will be four par 3 holes, and one par 5. Four of these holes will be a “KP” competition (Closet to the pin from the tee). Holes chosen by event management. There will be measuring equipment and a ledger for competitors at the green. One will be a longest drive competition hole. The winners will receive a one-hundred-dollar Amazon gift card. The winners will be called to the main conference stage during full plenum to receive the prize and your company will be announced as the sponsor of this prize. You will get a table and two chairs set up at the tee along with a sign announcing your sponsorship of the hole. Sign will include your company logo/name. You can staff that table with your representatives if desired, or you can place items on the table and leave it unstaffed. What you do to encourage interaction with players is up to you. Ideas include handing out promotional products, swag, etc., offering beverages of food/snacks (provided by you), drawings, games etc. You also have the option of providing promotional materials in the player goodie bag. The item will have to reasonably fit in the 20” X 17” string bag. There will be times when the players move through quickly and other times when they have to wait a period of time to tee off. Golf cart transportation to the hole will be provided, but you may also want to consider renting your own cart ($17) so you can freely move on and off the course. Play time is estimated to be 5 hours. You can remain as long as you want. You are responsible for any weather management equipment (canopy, umbrellas, etc). Your company will be listed as golf sponsor in the after-conference 6 month web page.
Tee Sponsor $200
These will be on holes with a par 4 or higher. Hole chosen by event management. You will get a table and two chairs set up at the tee along with a sign announcing your sponsorship of the hole. Sign will include your company logo/name. You can staff that table with your representatives if desired, or you can place items on the table and leave it unstaffed. What you do to encourage interaction with players is up to you. Ideas include handing out promotional products, swag, etc., offering beverages or food/snacks (provided by you), drawings, games etc. You also have the option of providing promotional materials in the player goodie bag. The item will have to reasonably fit in the 20” X 17” string bag. There will be times when the players move through quickly and other times when they have to wait a period of time to tee off. Golf cart transportation to the hole will be provided, but you may also want to consider renting your own cart ($17) so you can freely move on and off the course. Play time is estimated to be 5 hours. You can remain as long as you want. You are responsible for any weather management equipment (canopy, umbrellas, etc). Your company will be listed as golf sponsor in the after-conference 6-month web page.
Please direct any golf sponsorship questions to Brian Byerley byerleyb@ci.bonney-lake.wa.us